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Accueil veterinaires comportementalistes Publications internationales veterinaires comportementalistes The efficacy of collar-mounted devices in reducing the rate of predation of wildlife by domestic cats

The efficacy of collar-mounted devices in reducing the rate of predation of wildlife by domestic cats

S.H. Nelson, A.D. Evans and R.B. Bradbury

Revue : Applied Animal Behaviour Science

RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, UK

Volunteer cat owners from across the UK were recruited to take part in two trials designed to test the efficacy of collar-mounted warning devices in reducing cat predation rates of native wildlife. Cats equipped with a bell returned 34% fewer mammals and 41% fewer birds than those with a plain collar. Those equipped with an electronic sonic device returned 38% fewer mammals and 51% fewer birds compared with cats wearing a plain collar. There was no significant difference in prey return rates by cats wearing collars equipped with one bell, two bells or the sonic device. Warning devices mounted on quick-release collars are recommended as an effective way of reducing wildlife kill rates by domestic cats. Future research and development aimed at further improving the efficacy of sonic devices is recommended.

Keywords: Citizen science; Conservation; Gardens; Population decline; Songbirds

publications scientifiques


Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Octobre 2005


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