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2010 ECVBM-CA Study Days
These 2 days of seminars are intended to cover topics and provide content that are in a residency program, preparing for examination or are interested in entering a residency program. The course is also open to those interested in learning more about the topics or for discussion with the speakers considering entering a residency program, preparing for examination 2 days of advanced seminars. This workshop will immediately follow the Annual congress. ProgramMonday September 27, 20108 am to 11:30 am Dr. Andrew Luescher - Aggression 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Dr. Gary Landsberg – Brain aging and cognitive dysfunction n dogs and cats and Drug Therapy 3:00 to 4:30 Dr. Kersti Seksel 4:30 to 5 pmQ & A Tuesday September 28, 20108 am to 5 pm8:00-2:30 Dr. Patrick Pageat - A guide to understanding the French approach to diagnosis, terminology and treatment 3 to 5 pm Panel discussion and Q & A with all speakers Registration fee: € 300,00 Register early – space is limited Location: VMP8 Seminar Room Nr. 105 How to registerPRE-REGISTER sending immediately a mail to mcosella@alice.it with the registration form filled out Then REGISTER Step one: you can choose between two payment forms1. Relevé d'Identité Bancaire/IBAN Cadre réservé au destinataire du RIB 2. Paypal payment is available on this address Add 7 % fee if you want to be sure to have the right amount Contact ECVBM-CA Treasurer Claude Beata if you have any doubt. A payment receipt will be supplied. Step two: send the registration form and the payment receipt toMaria Cristina Osella (ECVBM-CA Secretary), Vic. Sant’Elena 6, 10034 Chivasso (Italy)
2010 ECVBM-CA STUDY DAYSREGISTRATION FORMName Qualification Address Tel. Fax. Date Signature
Conception, mises à jour : Karine SANCHE (KDJ Webdesign)
Thèmes du site : agressivité chien - comportement du chat - comportementaliste vétérinaire - conférences comportement animal - congrès comportement animal - éthologie animaux - hiérarchie chien - hyperactivité chien - morsures chien - problème de comportement chien - propreté chien - soin animaux - thérapie comportementale animal - traitement comportement - vétérinaire comportement - conseils éducation - éducation chien - éducation chat - comportement chien -