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Zoopsy comportementalistes
Accueil veterinaires comportementalistes Congrès Zoopsy veterinaires comportementalistesCanCog Conference on Behavior, Cognition, and Aging in Companion Animals - Toronto, Canada

CanCog Conference on Behavior, Cognition, and Aging in Companion Animals - 22 au 23 août 2011 à Toronto, Canada



The meeting this year will focus on the dog as a companion animal and the scope will include the cat as well as non cognitive behaviors. The meeting will be organized over two complete days and will include invited presentations.
Poster submissions will are being solicited. To be considered for a poster, please submit a 250 word abstract to this email.

Congrès Zoopsy

Conference Highlights

Laboratory Animal Behavior Workshop

(Organized by Gary Landsberg)
A workshop will also be associated with the meeting for those in specialty training programs or residencies of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. The two
day workshop (Aug. 24 and 25) will focus on laboratory animal housing, behavioral studies in dogs, cats and rodents, and will include a visit to the CanCog animal facilities in Fergus and Toronto Ontario. Space is limited to 8 participants only. For details or to hold your spot contact Dr. Gary Landsberg at

Behavioral Pain Assessment Special Session

(Organized by Eric Troncy)
A half-day session (Aug. 23) sponsored by the International Association for the
Study of Pain, Non-human Species- Special Interest Group (IASP NHS-SIG) will also be taking place. The session will focus on operant testing in various animals models.

Congrès Zoopsy

Confirmed Speakers and Sessions

Aging Processes
Howard Dobson, CanCog Technologies
Joseph Araujo , Intervivo Solutions
Don Ingram, Penington Research Institute

Emotion, Cognition and Social Behavior
Dan Mills, University of Lincoln
Christina de Rivera, CanCog Technologies
Bill Milgram, CanCog Technologies
Paolo Mongillo, Padua University

Clinical Applications in Veterinary Behavior
Sagi, Denenberg, North Toronto Animal Clinic
Barbara L. Sherman, North Carolina State
Steven Waisglass, North Toronto Animal Clinic

Behavioral Pain Assessment (sponsored by IASP NHS-SIG)
Eric Troncy , University of Montreal
Guy Higgins, Intervivo Solutions
Gary Landsberg, CanCog Technologies
Jason T. Ross, Pfizer
Martin Guillot, University of Montreal

Congrès Zoopsy


Space is limited so register early at to avoid
disappointment. The website will be open next week for registration and further program details next week.

Registration fee of $325 includes: breakfast, morning and afternoon
snacks, and lunches over both conference days. After July 22, registration fee will be $375.
The cost of the conference including the Laboratory Animal Behavior Workshop will be $425.

Congrès Zoopsy


The conference will take place at the Best Western Primrose Hotel ( located at 111 Carlton Street in downtown Toronto. For special accommodation rates please phone 647-259-5435 or
1-800-565-8865 and mention “CanCog conference”.

For further program information contact
For travel assistance contact







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Thèmes du site : agressivité chien - comportement du chat - comportementaliste vétérinaire - conférences comportement animal - congrès comportement animal - éthologie animaux - hiérarchie chien - hyperactivité chien - morsures chien - problème de comportement chien - propreté chien - soin animaux - thérapie comportementale animal - traitement comportement - vétérinaire comportement - conseils éducation - éducation chien - éducation chat - comportement chien -